Sunday Studies

Our Current Study:

Our Adult Bible Study is now studying 1 & 2 Thessalonians… the epistles that highlight “Jesus our returning Savior.” How does Paul use the promise of Christ’s return to encourage and admonish Christians under persecution, and how does that help us take courage as we so commonly confess, “And He will come again with glory to judge both the living and the dead, Whose kingdom will have no end”?

Catechism Instruction: For two years (usually 5th-6th grade), students are taught the Christian Faith, using Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism as their guide. Each Sunday, the students gather to memorize the Catechism and to learn how to properly hear and distinguish Law and Gospel in the sermon. Each Wednesday (September through the Festival of Pentecost), students meet with the pastor to apply their learning (see the Mid-Week Classes page).

Sunday School for PreK-4th Grade: Throughout the Sunday School year, the children learn the Holy Scriptures by focusing on quarterly 'themes’ – Old Testament anticipation of the Christ, the earthly life and mission of the Christ, the early church’s life in Christ. We use CPH’s materials, and the pastor meets with Sunday School teachers monthly to help prepare them for teaching the children.





